Snow and Ice Priority Routes

Public Works Building
1120 North 10th Street
Paducah, KY 42001

City of Paducah Snow and Ice Priority Routes

When the forecast calls for snow or ice, the Public Works Department works to pre-treat roadways as much as possible using either salt or brine. This is a pro-active approach to winter storms by applying anti-icing materials prior to the weather event. Once the snow or ice falls, City crews focus on the priority routes due to the need for connectivity and for emergency vehicles to safely travel. 

NOTE: There are State of Kentucky roadways and private roads within the Paducah city limits. They are NOT maintained by the City Public Works Department.

Snow & Ice Priority Maps

Snow and ice routes are prioritized in Paducah based on average daily traffic and connectivity with Priority A being the heaviest traveled and earliest treated routes. A few of the priority routes are Broadway, Jefferson, North 10th Street, South 25th Street, Bloom Avenue, Pecan Drive, Friedman Lane, Buckner Lane, Country Club Lane, County Park Road, Coleman Road, and James Sanders Boulevard.

PDF Map - City of Paducah Priority Routes     Interactive GIS Map - City of Paducah Priority Routes

Frequently Asked Questions and Basic Guidelines

  • The City of Paducah is divided into ten (10) work zones for the crews.
  • The priority routes are main arterials that connect resources including hospitals/ambulances and fire/EMT stations.
  • Plowing will begin once snowfall reaches two inches OR if an extreme amount of snowfall is predicted.
  • The City owns and operates six (6) large salt and plow trucks and two (2) small brine and plow trucks and uses approximately 12,000 to 20,000 tons of salt per year.
  • To avoid overtime but maximize manpower on the streets, crews work 12-hour shifts 24 hours per day during a snow event. 
  • City trucks are responsible for CITY roads. You may see them travel through County or State roads with their plow up in order to get to various City roads or their assigned work zones. This is also the case with State and County trucks. 
  • Often times during a heavy snow, it is difficult for crews to determine where the curb and gutter is on the road.
  • The City is not able to clear private entrances, drives, and parking lots. This is the property or homeowner’s responsibility. 
  • When plowing streets, each truck must make two passes on the street in order to clear it completely of snow. 
  • Depending on the accumulation of snow, it may take several passes before crews can leave the priority routes to begin work on secondary routes. If snowfall is heavy, crews must continue their efforts on priority routes to keep them open. 

How Can the Community Help Us?

  • Avoid Parking on the Street - Vehicles parked on the street hinder the ability for snow plows to properly clear the streets. If vehicles are parked on both sides of the street, it can be impossible for crews to get down the street with a plow. 
  • Don’t Push Snow to Street - Please remember if clearing a driveway or parking lot NOT to push snow to the street as it causes a driving hazard. 
  • Keep a Safe Distance from Snowplow or Salt Truck – If travelling near a snowplow, please keep a safe distance from the vehicle.

Check Weather and Road Conditions

National Weather Service Paducah Office.

Road and Traffic Conditions Map through Kentucky Transportation Cabinet